15 Basic English MCQ | English Grammar Objective Question

Q:16) DIRECTIONS: In the following question, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error . If t here is no error , mark your answer as ‘No error’ . 
 A:) He have been
B:) dialing your number
 C:) since yesterday
D:) No Error .

Q:17) DIRECTIONS: In t he following quest ion, some of t he sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error . If there is no error , mark your answer as ‘No error’ .
A:) A ounce of
B:) prevent ion is worth
C:) a pound of cure.
D:) No Error .
Q:18) Out of the given options, choose the one which is the correct indirect speech of the sentence given below. The Prince said, “It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening.” 
 A:) The Prince said t hat it gave him great pleasure t o be here t hat evening.
B:) The Prince said t hat it gives him great pleasure t o be here t hat evening.
C:) The Prince said t hat it gives him great pleasure t o be t here t hat evening.
D:) The Prince said t hat it gave him great pleasure t o be t here t hat evening.
Q:19) Out of t he given opt ions, choose t he one which is t he correct indirect speech of t he sentence given below. The grandfather said t o his grandsons, “Did you not like my story yesterday?” 
 A:) The grandfather asked his grandsons if t hey did not like his story yesterday.
B:) The grandfather asked his grandsons if t hey did not like his story t he day before.
C:) The grandfather asked his grandsons if t hey had not liked his story t he day before.
D:) The grandfather asked his grandsons if t hey have not liked his story t he day before.
Q:20) Out of t he given opt ions, choose t he one which is t he correct active voice of t he sentence given below. The fields are being ploughed by t he farmers. 
 A:) The fields have been ploughed by the farmers.
B:) The farmers have been ploughing the fields.
C:) The farmers are ploughing the fields.
D:) The farmers have ploughed the fields.

Q:21) Out of t he given opt ions, choose t he one which is t he correct passive voice of t he sentence given below. Kindly do not smoke in public place. 
 A:) You had been requested not to smoke in public place.
B:) You were requested not to smoke in public place.
C:) You are requested not to smoke in public place.
D:) We are requesting you not to smoke in public place.
Q:22) Out of t he given opt ions, choose t he one which is t he correct passive voice of t he sentence given below. Can I solve these sums? 
 A:) Can these sums be solved by me?
B:) Will these sums be solved by me?
C:) Shall these sums be solved by me?
D:) Would these sums be solved by me?
Q:23) Fill in t he blank wit h t he correct opt ion. They have______ money, so their daughter cannot pay her tuition fees. 
 A:) few
B:) the little
C:) little
 D:) a little
Q:24) Fill in t he blank wit h t he correct opt ion. There are _____slices of cake left over from t he party. 
 A:) few
B:) a few
C:) the few
D:) little
Q:25) Fill in the blank with the correct option. ______rays of sunlight pierced the smoke. 
 A:) A few
B:) Few
C:) Little
 D:) The few

Q:26) DIRECTIONS: Read t he following passage carefully and answer the following quest ions. Where do you think revealing raiment 's, weird slang and our youths' dismaying attitudes come from? Very obviously they are the results of attempts to emulate the western world. Probe into t he subject, delve into it s various effects ¬ you will be shocked at how rapidly Western culture is corroding our culture ¬ exclusively ours, exclusively to be proud of, to rust. These spicy sauces of Western culture surely flatter the palate, but in course of time won't t hey canker it too? Western countries do have desirable elements worth copying. But are we talking in those positive elements? No, we seem to be merely diving into the external glitter of the West. The root of all t his misfortune lies in t he soil nourished by t he word 'modern'. What does 'modern' mean to us? Do we become modern by wearing outrageous clot hest hat make us look like aliens? Does modernism set in by profuse use of western slang? Life f or today's youth means rocketing in BMWs or piercing flesh, late night parties, and black nail enamel and red mane. That is what a good percent of our younger generation have become, as a result of the obsessive aping of the glittering West.
 Que: Why does the author describe t he clothes as ‘ outrageous’ ? 
 A:) Because t he clothes are so unusual or strange t hat t hey seem t o shock t he onlooker .
B:) Because the clothes are so attractive t hat whoever sees it get s carried away.
C:) Because the clothes are so expensive and gaudy that everyone f eels envious.
D:) None of the above.
Q:27) DIRECTIONS: Read the above passage carefully and answer the following questions. 
Que : Out of the given opt ions, what would be t he most appropriate Tit le of t he passage? 
 A:) Pride in national heritage
B:) Patriotic youth
C:) Playing t o Western Tunes
D:) None of t he above
Q:281) DIRECTIONS: Read the above passage carefully and answer the following questions. 
Que : What is t he meaning of t he word ‘ raiment 's’ used in t he f irst line of t he paragraph? 
 A:) At t it ude
B:) Wealt h
C:) Clot hes
D:) Cars

Q:29) DIRECTIONS: Read the above passage carefully and answer the following questions 
Que: What does t he phrase ‘ obsessive aping of the glittering West ’ , used at the last of the paragraph suggest ? 
 A:) Hatred for western culture.
B:) Blindly copying t he west without being able to distinguish clearly between t he positive and negative aspect s of western culture.
C:) A desire to set t le abroad.
 D:) None of the above.
Q:30) DIRECTIONS: Read the above passage carefully and answer the following questions. 
 Que: What does the world “slang” mean? 
 A:) A kind of language
B:) A kind of fight or combat
C:) Accessories
D:) None of the above

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